How it works

Each and everyone of our programs is tailored specifically to meet your body's unique requirements. No two programs are ever identical, so it's crucial not to offer advice or recommendations to others based on your own results.

After purchasing the program that suits your health concern, you will receive an email containing confirmation and a questionnaire.  

If you are not sure what programme best suits your needs please send us an email at - where we will be happy to assist you. 

We kindly request that you provide 5-6 hair strands, cut as close to the root as possible. We accept any hair type except pubic hair. Additionally, we require 1-2 nail clippings. The questionnaire can be printed off and sent back with the samples or alternatively can be emailed back. 

It's worth noting -

  • Bleached or dyed hair is also acceptable for our analysis.
  • Please do not send strands from hair extensions, it needs to be your own. 
  • Our programmes are available to any age as long as the samples we have required can be provided. 
  • Hair strands and nail clips should be separate from one another but can be sent together. We recommend using a small sealed bag or folder paper and then popped into an envelope for posting. 

 (Please note that our testing is non-invasive, and the results are not stored.)

Our technology enables us to analyse the unique makeup and genes of each individual's body. With over 80% of illness and disease originating from the gut, it gives us the best insight to provide relief and long lasting results for a wide range of severe and minor health concerns. Through this comprehensive analysis, we can identify a whole host of health information from deficiencies, reactions, metabolic processes, abilities to break down nutrients and minerals, among so much more.

Unlike the generic advice and diagnoses often provided by other healthcare providers, which often result in no tangible improvements unless reliant on long-term medication, our approach is fundamentally different in many ways. 

By providing personalised insights and a tailored plan specifically designed for you, we offer results and knowledge that hold the power to profoundly enhance your life and health. This bespoke approach delivers transformative insights capable of completely changing your health journey and effectively addressing and resolving existing health issues from the root cause. 

 Upon completing your body analysis, our team promptly begins your personalised plan. We strive to finalise each patient's plan within 10-15 days of receiving their samples.

Your results and plan will be delivered via email, accompanied by the option to schedule a phone appointment to discuss the results and address any inquiries you may have.

Within your personalised plan, we outline a comprehensive array of results, covering deficiencies, imbalances, reactions, organ function, nutrient and mineral levels, body performance, and various other factors. Additionally, we provide clear guidance on dietary adjustments, highlighting what should be incorporated and what should be eliminated from your diet. Moreover, we offer recommendations for supplements, if necessary.

For instance, if you struggle with sleep issues, your analysis might reveal a deficiency in magnesium. By incorporating this supplement at the appropriate time, your body can achieve balance, leading to improved sleep quality and duration. Similarly, if acne is a concern, we can identify potential hormone imbalances through the analysis. Subsequently, we develop strategies to address these imbalances through a range of technics and dietary modifications if needed.

Our only goal is to provide healthy solutions that address the root causes of your health concerns and promote overall well-being, reversing issues and enabling your body to function at its full potential. We are always dedicated to each and every patience which is why we are proud to carry a 100% success rate across our programes. 

We provide email and call follow-up support for 60 days to ensure that you receive answers to any questions or concerns arising from the results. 

Please send samples to - Nutritionist In Health, C/O Vero Limited, Greenaway lane, Warsash, Hampshire, SO31 79HT. 

Contact us at - | We will get back to you with 4 hours.