Behavouire Challenges

Some children exhibit highly challenging behaviors that deviate from typical norms for their age group. This tendency is often more prevalent in boys than girls. Among the most frequently encountered disruptive behaviour disorders are oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), conduct disorder (CD), and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

It's important to grasp that the underlying cause of ADHD lies in the accumulation of mercury and aluminum in the cerebral midline canal of the brain. This canal serves as a boundary between the brain's left and right hemispheres, with various other metals also dispersed throughout other regions of the brain. This same root cause extends to autism and contributes to a range of behavioral and mental health challenges.

When these metals take up residence in the midline canal, they block internal communications within the brain. As a result, the brain must adapt, and electrical impulses must find new avenues, traveling on neurons that wouldn’t normally be used for talking, listening, and other forms of action and communication. This is why you’ll often find a child with ADHD behaving in one manner when you’re asking them to behave in another.

It's important for us to gain an understanding of the child's physiological composition which can provide valuable insights into triggers and factors that exacerbate their behaviour. With this understanding, we can devise strategies to improve symptoms and behavior without relying on long-term conventional medication, which often proves ineffective in many cases.